Week 2 Progress (Nov. 2014)

#TGIF, don’t we all agree?

Unfortunately, I haven’t been as diligent and strict with my diet and workout routine as I would’ve liked. I was doing fairly well at the beginning of the week – I followed Cassey’s #MOVEmber workout calender along with an alternation of POP HIITs – but things really went downhill on Wednesday, better known as my rest and cheat day. Unfortunately I was tempted by a lot of snacks at work, and the temptation prolonged even after dinner. I also skipped two days of gym, which tends to turn into a catalyst effect. The saddest and most frustrating part is the fact that this tends to be a very vicious cycle where I do well at the beginning of the week, but start to get tired and thus cravings are enhanced through that process, and soon, I am trapped in a bubble of junk food, bad munchies and guilt. Lots and lots of self-hate and guilt. I’ve shared this struggle with my boyfriend, who focuses on weight-training, and he often poses the question of whether I am truly dedicated to my personal goals. On one hand, I am and I absolutely love what I do but at the same time, I often fall weak and succumb to my terrible cravings. And I must admit, it seems that cravings aren’t a problem for my boyfriend. Or he’s just really good at hiding and not complaining.

It is also possible that my body is “freaking out” (negatively) about the weather change – it’s been consecutive chains of rain here in Vancouver, or should I say, Raincouver – and is not used to the cold weather (explaining my sore throat and congested nasal cavity), which could be intensifying my munchies. But on a brighter note, I’m ready to head back to the gym for some tricep pushups and eagle abs. I’ll keep you all posted.

