

I want to start off by apologizing for how uncommitted I am to my own fitness and health blog. After shoving down crackers, cookies, chocolates, and a handful of carb-filled and sugar-coated goodness, I’ve decided it’s time I set my goals straight and stick to them. It’s safe to say I’m likely suffering from the post-Valentine’s blues, after gobbling handful of fries and fried chicken with my boyfriend. But what I’m more disappointed and upset about is sabotaging the great progress I established a few weeks ago. Weighed down by the guilt I feel day after day for not eating clean and lacking self control has really made me question my motives and how I’m tackling my goals.

And so, on that note, I’d like to welcome myself back on the blog. I will be posting weekly (possibly bi-weekly or monthly) successes, failures and struggles. I might even start posting progress pictures if I feel confident enough in my own skin. Wish me luck?


Cheese and Garlic Pull Apart Bread

It’s Sunday afternoon (or at least let’s pretend it is). I’ve arrived home after a 1.5/2 hour church service and there are three things on my mind: To be a good student and finally get started on my homework after two weeks of procrastinating, to kickstart the rest of my day with a good workout, or to bake. And of course, being the “good” student and health fanatic I am, I decided to bake. Because I bought packets of yeast just a few weeks back, I was really craving some yeasty, fluffy baked breads and though Laura Vitale’s Braided Nutella Bread recipe came to mind, I decided I wanted something savoury instead. After some inspiration from the fridge, cupboards and Pinterest, I decided combining two recipes, Italian seasoning, grated parm., leftover cheese, and chopped garlic would make for something fantastic and absolutely wonderful. Not to brag but I’d like to think I was right.

Yeast Dough (found in Laura Vitale’s Braided Nutella Bread recipe):
– 1 Package of Dry Yeast
– 1/2 cup of Whole Milk
– 1/4 cup of Granulated Sugar
– 1/2 cup of Water, warmed up to 115 degrees
– 1 tsp of Salt
– 1/4 cup of Unsalted Butter, melted
– 3-1/2 cups of All Purpose Flour

– 1/2 tbsp of garlic paste or minced
– 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese (I used canned)
– 1 tbsp of Italian seasoning (or any other savoury seasoning you find appropriate)
– 1/2 tbsp of butter
– 1/2 cup of cheese and a little bit for garnish (I used marble)

INSTRUCTIONS (some parts taken from Laura Vitale’s Braided Nutella Bread recipe):
1. In a small bowl, add the water, yeast and 1 tsp of the sugar. Set aside for 5 minutes.
2. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix together the flour, remaining sugar and salt.
3. Add the melted butter, milk and yeast mixture, mix it until it comes together, then with the speed 4. on medium, let it knead for about 7 minutes or until you have a smooth dough.
5. Place the dough into an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place it a warm spot to rise and double in volume, about an hour.
7. Roll out dough into roughly 12 by 20 inches (I divided my dough in half so it was about a 10 inch rectangle.
8. Mix filling ingredients, except for the 1/2 cup of cheese together and apply a very thin layer.
9. Sprinkle on the 1/2 cup of cheese evenly on top of the cheese and garlic butter.
10. Using a knife, divide the filling-covered dough into 6 strips and stack each strip on top of each other. Then, divide the layered dough into another six sections.
12. Once cut, place a section into a greased 9x5x3-inch loaf pan, cut-side facing the bottom (or the opening) of the pan. Continue with all cut sections until no more dough is left.
13. Garnish with leftover cheese and let dough sit for another 30 minutes to an hour.
14. Preheat oven to 350 degree F and bake the bread for 20 – 25 minutes (mine took exactly 20 minutes).
15. Let cool in pan for about 5 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack to complete cooling. Enjoy!

Week 2 Progress (Nov. 2014)

#TGIF, don’t we all agree?

Unfortunately, I haven’t been as diligent and strict with my diet and workout routine as I would’ve liked. I was doing fairly well at the beginning of the week – I followed Cassey’s #MOVEmber workout calender along with an alternation of POP HIITs – but things really went downhill on Wednesday, better known as my rest and cheat day. Unfortunately I was tempted by a lot of snacks at work, and the temptation prolonged even after dinner. I also skipped two days of gym, which tends to turn into a catalyst effect. The saddest and most frustrating part is the fact that this tends to be a very vicious cycle where I do well at the beginning of the week, but start to get tired and thus cravings are enhanced through that process, and soon, I am trapped in a bubble of junk food, bad munchies and guilt. Lots and lots of self-hate and guilt. I’ve shared this struggle with my boyfriend, who focuses on weight-training, and he often poses the question of whether I am truly dedicated to my personal goals. On one hand, I am and I absolutely love what I do but at the same time, I often fall weak and succumb to my terrible cravings. And I must admit, it seems that cravings aren’t a problem for my boyfriend. Or he’s just really good at hiding and not complaining.

It is also possible that my body is “freaking out” (negatively) about the weather change – it’s been consecutive chains of rain here in Vancouver, or should I say, Raincouver – and is not used to the cold weather (explaining my sore throat and congested nasal cavity), which could be intensifying my munchies. But on a brighter note, I’m ready to head back to the gym for some tricep pushups and eagle abs. I’ll keep you all posted.



Introductions and Warm Greetings

Why hello there! Whether you were directed to this page through my Instagram feed or just by coincidence, welcome! So you may be thinking in your head, “why the heyballs should I bother reading your blog?”. Well, sit tight, grab yourself some carrot sticks, maybe some hummus and I’ll tell you exactly that.

Firstly, “Just Another Food Diary” was established just a year ago as an Instagram page (@justanother_fooddiary) when I realized in order to keep myself accountable for my weight-loss goals, I needed to keep track of what I let enter my body. And the best way to do so? Taking wanna-be artistic photos and uploading them for the public eye.

Though this blog is purely for hobby-purposes, I also want to dedicate this again for my own weight loss/fitness journey, as well as sharing tips, tricks and struggles that fellow fitness-loving friends may be facing. In this blog, I’ll be talking about my everyday fitness successes, turmoils, troubles, failures, and just all in all anything someone who’s into fitness might want to hear about. Now, do keep in mind I am not a registered dietitian (though I might secretly want to be one) or fitness instructor so many of the topics that I share with the public is usually something that has worked for myself, doesn’t mean it’s a “one-size-fit-all”.

In summary, you will get glimpse of my everyday fitness progress, the healthy and not-so-healthy. And if you’re lucky, you might get to read about some rants pertaining certain weight-loss struggles and even personal sharing of weight loss tips and recipes I think is worth the public view.

Thanks for stopping by and hope this blog will motivate you to start a healthy lifestyle!
