
Why hello there! Whether you were directed to this page through my Instagram feed or just by coincidence, welcome! I’m Janice, a first-year student at Simon Fraser University, a lover of fitness, health, food photography (and food in general), carbs, sweets, gyms, and Blogilates. So you may be thinking in your head, “why on earth should I bother reading your blog?”. Well, sit tight, grab yourself some carrot sticks, maybe some hummus and I’ll tell you exactly that.

Firstly, “Just Another Food Diary” was established just a year ago as an Instagram page (@justanother_fooddiary) when I realized in order to keep myself accountable for my weight-loss goals, I needed to keep track of what I let enter my body. And the best way to do so? Taking wanna-be artistic photos and uploading them for the public eye.

Though this blog is purely for hobby-purposes, I also want to dedicate this again for my own weight loss/fitness journey, as well as sharing tips, tricks and struggles that fellow fitness-loving friends may be facing. In this blog, I’ll be talking about my everyday fitness successes, turmoils, troubles, failures, and just all in all anything someone who’s into fitness might want to hear about. Now, do keep in mind I am not a registered dietitian (though I might secretly want to be one) or fitness instructor so many of the topics that I share with the public is usually something that has worked for myself, doesn’t mean it’s a “one-size-fit-all”.

In summary, you will get glimpse of my everyday fitness progress, the healthy and not-so-healthy. And if you’re lucky, you might get to read about some rants pertaining certain weight-loss struggles and even personal sharing of weight loss tips and recipes I think is worth the public view.

Thanks for stopping by and hope this blog will motivate you to start a healthy lifestyle!


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